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They include the 2013 national winners, Simon and Karen Ward, from Wilmslow Golf Club in Cheshire, and two past regional champions.
Steve Warren of Eaton, Norwich, was the South East Steward of the Year in 2013; and Kevin Brown of Sherborne, Dorset, was last year’s South West winner. This year, Kevin is joined in the title bid by his wife, Emma. Also in the field is Will Gill of Otley, Yorkshire, who was a regional finalist last year.
The competition, now in its ninth year, is run jointly by England Golf and Fuller’s and aims to identify the golf club steward who provides the most welcoming and enjoyable experience at the 19th hole.
Club members, visitors and golf club managers put forward nominations for the 2015 title. These were whittled down to the shortlist of 12 stewards – three from each of four regions - by representatives of England Golf and Fuller’s, with the help of 2014 Steward of the Year, Samantha Hudson of Swaffham Golf Club, Norfolk (pictured).
The shortlisted stewards will all be visited personally before this year’s four regional winners are selected. They’ll be judged on their level of commitment, innovation and standard of service and presentation, together with that extra special something which sets them apart.
The four finalists will all go forward to a celebration lunch early next year when the winner of the Fuller’s London Pride Steward of the Year will be announced.
The winner will receive a weekend break in London, complete with accommodation for two nights in a Fuller’s Central London Hotel. They will also win advertising space in the local press to promote their golf club.
The regional finalists are:
North Will Gill – Otley Golf Club, Yorkshire Kirsty Glaister – Stamford Golf Club, Cheshire Simon and Karen Ward – Wilmslow Golf Club, Cheshire
Midlands Phil and Louise Maxwell – Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf Club, Nottinghamshire Sam Read – Nuneaton Golf Club, Warwickshire Stephen Riley - The Leicestershire Golf Club, Leicestershire
South East Michael Clark – Hanckley Common Golf Club, Surrey Matt Palmer - Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club, Sussex Steve Warren – Eaton Golf Club, Norfolk
South West Kevin and Emma Brown – Sherborne Golf Club, Dorset Amanda Goodyear – Looe Golf Club, Cornwall Fiona Snook – Wareham Golf Club, Dorset