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Terry Casey, who has just retired as the manager of the England men’s team, won the award for the Outstanding Contribution to Coaching.
Steve Parrish, the England Golf south region manager, was named as the Volunteer Manager of the Year. Both Parrish and Casey are members at Burhill Golf Club in Surrey.
Steven Orr, the director of coaching at the Cranfield Golf Academy in Sussex, received the 2015 Coach of the Year award.
Nigel Edwards, the England Golf Performance Director, commented: “These awards recognise people who really do pull out all the stops to support the players and squads they work with. They offer encouragement, guidance and support during both the good and bad times and they play a huge role in our successes.”
The awards were presented at a gala dinner at the England Golf coaching conference at St George’s Park, attended by county, regional and national coaches and managers.