Kevin O’Connell of Purley Downs Golf Club completed an impressive Surrey Double on Monday 24th September with a win in the Sun Mountain Surrey Masters at Effingham golf club with a score of -2 69. To add to his other recent victory in the PGA Surrey Assistants Championship which was held at Farnham back in July.
The conditions were perfect for golf with small wind and the sun shining. The turnout was good with 47 of the best players from around the county taking part.
“With a scorecard that consisted of 6 birdies an eagle a triple and a double bogey it turned out to be quite an up and down round.”
“I played really steady throughout the round I got to -5 through 13 holes but, I hit a tee shot just slightly left on the 14th and I was blocked out behind a tree for my 2nd shot which led to a triple bogey, I managed to bounce back and make two good birdies on the 16th and 17th then hit another tee shot to far left down 18 which left me out of position again which led to a double bogey. Fortunately, it was enough to win a by a single shot over Angus Mottershead (Sunbury Golf Centre). I did my very best to throw it away you could say!"
"The golf course was in great condition and the weather was perfect for golf so it was a very enjoyable day in the end and even better to get a win in my last tournament of the summer. A few beers were enjoyed back at Purley that evening with some of the members”