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Come and join the Waterlooville Pro-Am party!

Major celebration for the Waterlooville Pro-Am’s 40th with a spectacular day’s golf and top notch entertainment

Thanks to its new sponsor, Facilities Management Southern, one of the longest running Pro-Ams in The PGA in England (South)’s schedule will become a massive 40th anniversary celebration, when it is staged again on Wednesday 7th August.

Besides the usual team and individual events – and the sponsor’s boosting the Pro’s fund by £1,000 - Facilities Management Southern ( will be supporting several other events that have become a feature of the Waterlooville Pro-Am: Nearest the Pin, goodie bags, a halfway hut that’s promising to be like no other, and hole-in-one prizes on all five of the par three holes.

Facilities Management Southern is raising money for their chosen charity MIND, and as part of making it a fun day out for everyone, it’s introducing a couple of other on course activities: red-flag/green-flag (a bit like ‘Beat the Pro’ but no pro involved!), straightest drive, and a unique Signature Hole Experience for one of the nearest the pin competitions.

The sponsor is also planning to introduce some live music in the spike bar for everyone staying on beyond the presentation and carrying the party well on into the evening.

To make it a real celebration all day long, the sponsor’s also running some other activities around the clubhouse before and after golf, including the ‘wheelbarrow of wine’ competition, the name-on-a-fiver raffle, and to help the Head & Tails competition have a real edge after all the prize-giving, a free membership to the club will be up for grabs to the lucky winner.

Secretary Manager Mark Wycherley is already excited about the many ways in which the club is celebrating: “This year is our 40th Anniversary so we are delighted to have secured the support of such a generous and proactive sponsor.”

He added: “The really great news is that Facilities Management Southern intend to support us for a few years, so hopefully this is just the start of our Pro-Am being known as one of the best for everyone involved.”

“We’re aiming for 40 teams on the 7th August, but in previous years we have had as many as 45 so it would be great to reach those levels again so new teams from outside the club from around the region and/or country will all be very welcome.”

To join in the celebrations at Waterlooville Golf Club and enjoy what is going to be a terrific and memorable day’s golf and entertainment, all you have to do is click on:

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