250 wheelchair users were given the chance to try golf for the very first time this week, as The Golf Trust delivered Paragolfer sessions at The London WheelPower Sports Festival. This inclusive event, for anyone over the age of 5 years with a physical disability, allows wheelchair users that chance to discover sport in a safe, welcoming and friendly environment. Alongside golf, attendees were able to try wheelchair rugby, table tennis, boccia and tennis!
“Golf is quite unique in terms of wheelchair sports,” explains Cae Menai-Davis Founder of The Golf Trust. “The Golf Trust coaches use the Paragolfer, an all-terrain wheelchair, to raise the user into a standing position, allowing a safe and conventional golf swing. Some of the people here today have never stood up since they became wheelchair users, so we have enjoyed some incredibly special moments with them today.”
“Coming to the London Sports Festival today has really opened my eyes up to so many options that are out there for people like me. As well as playing lots of sports I’ve met loads of great people who I will be staying in touch with afterwards. When you have an injury, you think it’s the end of the world, but with the support of organisations like WheelPower to reintroduce activities back into your life can be amazing and can make such a difference,” Kuldip, 57 from London.
There are currently 7 Paragolfers in the UK, but thanks to Sport England Funding, The Golf Trust is moving closer towards its long-term ambition to have Paragolfers available to use within an hour’s drive of anyone in the UK.