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The match against Wales takes place at Radyr on 26 and 27 August. The team is Harvey Byers and Angus Flanagan of Surrey, Harry Goddard of Hertfordshire, Luke Kelly of Lancashire, Thomas Plumb of Dorset, George Saunders of Hampshire, Taylor Stote of Somerset (image copyright Leaderboard Photography), and James Wilson of Durham.
The match against Scotland will be played at Dalmahoy on 26-27 September and the match against Ireland follows a fortnight later on the weekend of 10-11 October at Templepatrick. The teams for these will be announced later.
The players:
Harvey Byers, 16, (Walton Heath) was in last year’s winning team against the Wales U16 side. This season his results include a top 20 finish in the English U16 boys’ championship for the McGregor Trophy
Angus Flanagan, 16, (St George’s Hill) was runner-up in the South Eastern junior championship, tied seventh in the Scottish U16s and tied 19th in the McGregor Trophy.
Harry Goddard, 15, (Hanbury Manor) tied third in the RB German Junior Masters, was sixth in the South Eastern junior championship and tied 13th at the Sir Henry Cooper Junior Masters.
Luke Kelly, 16, (Ashton-under-Lyne) tied 17th in the McGregor Trophy and 21st in the Scottish U16s. He also had a top 20 finish in last year’s North of England U16 championship.
Thomas Plumb, 16, (Sherborne) was fifth in the South West Counties U16/U14 championship and tied 20th in the Fairhaven Trophies. He tied 10th in last year’s South of England boys’ open
George Saunders, 15, (Meon Valley) tied third in the Sir Henry Cooper Junior Masters and has had a string of consistent results this season.
Taylor Stote, 16, (Burnham & Berrow) tied 26th in this year’s English U18 boys’ championship for the Carris Trophy and shared 12th place at the recent Scottish U16 boys’ stroke play.
James Wilson, 16, (Tyneside) tied 10th in the Scottish U16 boys’ championship and shared 37th place in the McGregor Trophy.